How to Have Courage



It takes courage to leave a relationship that doesn’t fit. It takes courage to start again.

No matter what part of a breakup you’re in… courage will be required.

By definition, courage is strength in the face of pain or grief.

But I think movies have done us a disservice. They show these mega-moments, like the epic Braveheart scene where Mel Gibson summons everyone courage to go and fight. It makes courage look like it’s epic and it’s going to feel good because you’re doing the right thing.

Courage is more complex than that. Especially because you don’t need courage when you’re not scared. If you’re not scared, you’re doing something easy or comfortable. Courage isn’t needed in those situations.

Courage - in real life - feels awful. It’s mingled with fear and doubt, and a dash of conviction.

Think back to that epic Braveheart scene. What’s really happening is that he’s getting his audience all riled up with positive emotions to override their fear. He’s calling on their loyalty, their values, their brotherhood. They are so worked up in a frenzy that it becomes impossible to not take action. All that emotion has to go somewhere!

While going through your breakup, every day you will have moments that require your courage. It’s wise to befriend this emotion and learn how to navigate it.

When you learn how to summon your courage AND stop expecting it to feel like a movie-moment, you begin to realize it's ok to step out and do the hard thing, even if it scares you.

Which is why is am BEYOND excited to announce that my podcast is launching today and I am sharing an episode with a courage pep talk just for you!!!

My new podcast Breakup Pep Talks is all about giving you insight, encouragement, perspective, and tools for your healing. All in bite-size episodes that you can come back to anytime you need a boost or a reminder of how great you are.

Come check out the episodes that dropped today:





Please subscribe and give a rating, also! This is what helps a new podcast like mine to get out to more people so I can help others going through a breakup.

Thank you so much for your support of this new and exciting project!

With love,


Check out my new podcast Breakup Pep Talks!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sarah Curnoles Coaching

In my weekly emails, you will receive inspiration to tap into your inner strength to turn your breakup into the best thing to ever happen to you. Discover tools to heal your heartbreak, tap into your inner strength, and begin a new chapter in your life.

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