Tears and moving boxes



I recently left the apartment I moved into after my last significant relationship ended. I felt really sad when I made that decision. I actually cried about leaving that apartment. In many ways it felt like leaving that relationship that was nice, nothing was wrong, but it no longer was a fit for your life.

A friend was confused by how sad I was about the move. And I get it. Why was I so upset about an apartment?

This apartment was my sanctuary. I created the whole thing as my personal cozy corner. It’s where I healed, it’s where I brainstormed so many great ideas for my coaching business, it’s where I helped countless clients, cried hundreds of thousands of tears, laughed until my sides hurt, and learned how to love myself again.

When I decided to leave that apartment to take another opportunity, I had a lot of feelings.

In a lot of ways, it felt like leaving a good relationship so that I could move towards something great.

I doubted my decision endlessly. Was I making a bad decision? Would I regret this someday? What if I never came back to this neighborhood that I loved? What if I never like another apartment this much?

There were so many things I loved about this apartment. And there were plenty of things I didn’t love. But it’s funny that our brain overlooks those things when we decide to be in love with something.

Maybe you’re like my friend and you think I’m overreacting about just a place to live. Maybe you get it or you are mentally applying this to other parts of your life. Maybe you weren’t like this about a home, but you were like this about a relationship or a friendship.

We all get attached to something. And we have irrational emotions about it. It’s completely normal. Give yourself a break for having attachments.

Then love yourself through the detaching process.

Want a pep talk to remind yourself you made a great decision? Head over to my newest podcast episode:

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sarah Curnoles Coaching

In my weekly emails, you will receive inspiration to tap into your inner strength to turn your breakup into the best thing to ever happen to you. Discover tools to heal your heartbreak, tap into your inner strength, and begin a new chapter in your life.

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