Closed Door, Open Windows, Blah Blah Blah...



I don’t like platitudes like when one door closes, a window opens. It can feel invalidating to the pain you’re going through.

I know this all too well because I was recently in a door closed moment. All I could do was focus on those damn closed doors. It felt awful, lonely, and depressing. It was all I could think about.

I was really stressed.

If someone would have tried to tell me to look for the open window, I would have screamed in their face, "Don’t you realize that a window is a much smaller opening than a door?! That's not helping!"

When one door closes, what you first need is compassion.

Yeah,it sucks. You didn’t want that door to close. You’re allowed to be pissed, disappointed, depressed, embarrassed or however else you feel. Be kind to yourself and let your emotions flow.

Just don’t let yourself get stuck there.

This was where I made my mistake. It’s really easy to get stuck in all the feelings of the closed door.

Someone telling you about an open window is trying to help you get unstuck. They have good intentions, but not the skills. Instead, here's what's next.

After compassion can come the next step towards shifting towards a solution. I realized something had to change and I was the person to change it.

I think about how much time and energy I spent focused on the problem instead of the solution. And it took me a minute to realize I have tools that can help me to shift.

Even someone who has been coaching as long as I have can get stuck in their problems. We all need help sometimes.

My next step was to change my focus from what was going wrong and instead look for what was in my control.

I decided to figure out how I can be helpful to someone else. That’s how I created my podcast Breakup Pep Talks.

In my first episode, I share the biggest mistakes people make when trying to heal from a breakup. And this isn't the advice you hear everywhere else. Listen here on Apple or here on Spotify.

I don’t want you wasting any time or energy getting stuck on an ex when you have so much more that you can do with your life. You have other people to love! You have hobbies and a whole life to enjoy! You could be killing it at work and working towards a promotion instead of feeling stuck on an ex.

Let’s change that now. To make a change, you need to do something different. Book a consultation call with me and I’ll diagnose what’s keeping you stuck and give you a plan on how to get unstuck.

Once you have some answers, you’ll immediately feel better. And you can decide if you want to coach with me or not.

I opened up some extra appointments for a limited time because I want to help as many people as possible.

Grab yours now and don’t waste another moment staring at a closed door.

Get unstuck today. Get clarity and a breakthrough so you can start transforming your life.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Sarah Curnoles Coaching

In my weekly emails, you will receive inspiration to tap into your inner strength to turn your breakup into the best thing to ever happen to you. Discover tools to heal your heartbreak, tap into your inner strength, and begin a new chapter in your life.

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